MWS Equipment Water Management
MWS water treatment plants are designed to maximise water recovery, whilst minimising footprint. Recessed filter press technology allows for up to 95% water recovery.

MWS Equipment provides a range of filter presses and thickening tanks tailored to suit your needs. Filter presses are the ideal complement to wash plants operating in Aggregates, Gravel, Sand, Stone, and Glass. Due to meeting stringent specifications for more effective water recycling processes, there is pressure to introduce new solutions from the traditional lagoons that have been used to settle and reuse the water in the washing process.

- Recycles up to 95% of the water used in your washing plant.
- Reduced water consumption.
- Utilising only highest quality materials.
- Efficient water management.
- Treat from 50 to 1,600 m3 of slurry per hour.
- Extremely low operating cost.

- Designed to maximise water recovery.
- Flocculant makeup and dosing station, on chassis or located remote.
- Automated Control of sludge discharge and other major functions.
- Flexibility of design.
- Range of diameters to meet various flow requirements.
- Can be used to feed filter press via buffer tank or reduce volume of material going to pond.
- Standalone control panel or integrated into wash plant system control.